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How does the Equal-Life project reach this goal?

The Equal-Life project brings together eleven cohorts and several (pre)school studies from seven different countries and contain information on children from conception to 21 years of age. The existing exposure data in these cohorts and school studies will be enriched with novel data sources. Data is brought together for mapping, grouping and harmonisation of available data in order to investigate research questions. 

  • Equal-Life seeks to assess the total external (physical and social) and internal exposure with a specific focus on creating environments that benefit the health of children.

  • Equal-Life defines and maps risk factors/health-promoting factors. The approach combines early life exposures (from 0 years of age to 21) to physical and social aspects of the environment, activities and settings relevant for children and adolescents.

  • Equal-Life aims to build a toolbox that will help evaluate the effects of physical and social environmental exposure at different levels. The toolbox will consist of a set of modules integrated into a web application.

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